Student Directory Information

What Information is Public?

The university is allowed to select some information about a student to make accessible to the public. This information is called "Directory Information." The university has two levels of directory information, public and non-public.

Public Directory Information

Public Directory Information is student information that is available to the public. This allows individuals such as employers or insurance agents to verify enrollment. The directory information the university has selected is the following:

  • Student name
  • Year at the University
  • Dates of attendance
  • Academic college and major field of study
  • Enrollment status (undergraduate or graduate; full-time or part-time)
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Degrees, honors and awards received
  • Most recent educational agency or institution attended
  • Hometown
  • University email address

Non-Public Directory Information

Non-Public Directory Information is not available to the public, but is available to any university official, student, or, at the university's discretion, university affiliates such as alumni associations. 

  • Local address
  • Permanent address
  • Telephone listings

Directory information cannot include race, gender, SSN (or any part of SSN), grades, GPA, country of citizenship, ID number, or religion.

Public Directory information will be available to the public upon request and may be included in student directories published electronically.

Can Students Hide Their Directory Information?

Yes, students are entitled to have public and non-public directory information withheld from the public. Non-disclosure of directory information must be requested via MyRED or in writing submitted to Husker Hub by current or formerly enrolled students.

Please read the outcomes to hiding your directory information below before requesting non-disclosure.

What Non-Disclosure Does

Non-disclosure means the university may not release any directory information about the student, except as permitted under the provisions of FERPA. The university may not even acknowledge to third parties that the person is a student.

How Long Does Non-Disclosure last?

This directory information restriction remains in effect until you remove it through MyRED. Directory information already included in hard copy publications will be removed at the next printing of the hard copy publication.


Even though a student may have placed a FERPA restriction, the university has the right to share the student’s information, without the student’s authorization, with school officials who have a legitimate educational interest, in response to a judicial order or legally issued subpoena, etc.


The university will honor a student's properly submitted request to restrict the release of directory information but cannot assume responsibility to contact the student for subsequent permission to release the information. Regardless of the effect upon a student, the university assumes no liability for honoring a student's request that directory information be restricted.

Are There Downsides to Hiding Directory Information?

  • Insurance companies and potential employers cannot verify your enrollment or awarded degree.
  • If you make the dean's list, your name will not be published.
  • Your name will not be included in the graduation program.
  • When graduating, your name will not be listed in the newspaper with the rest of the graduates.

The university will honor a student's properly submitted request to restrict the release of directory information but cannot assume responsibility to contact the student for subsequent permission to release the information. Regardless of the effect upon a student, the university assumes no liability for honoring a student's request that directory information be restricted.